NCL-TEC’s Technology Idea Competition is a competition aimed at research fellows, research associates and project staff that will offer an opportunity to brainstorm and think up technology ideas, assess them thoroughly and present a strong case on why that technology idea should be pursued. The Competition will provide a platform for students to interact with each other, brainstorm ideas, build-up competencies for technology development planning, get their ideas vetted by experts, refine their own ideas and in some cases, even take their technology idea further with funding/ incubation support from NCL and Venture Center. Participants in the Competition will also get a chance to attend a mentoring session on how to go about originating, assessing and planning a technology idea.
• NCL Technology and Entrepreneurship Club
• NCL Innovations/ IP Group
Sponsors and support:
• NCL Research Foundation
• Director, NCL
• Venture Center
Essential parts of a technology idea proposal:
1.The problem or need being addressed. The importance of the problem/need and potential impact of a solution to this problem/need. The size of the opportunity.
2.A study of various solutions already available (if any) to address some parts of or the whole problem. The deficiencies and shortcomings of such solutions.
3.Your proposed conceptual solution and its value proposition. What will be the benefit vis-à-vis the alternatives? What will be the size of the benefit?
4.An assessment of novelty based on a study of the literature – scholarly literature, patent literature and existing products in the market.
5.Your plan and road map for developing the idea further. Identification of key unknowns/ uncertainties/ potential barriers. Key proof of concept (POC) experiments to be done. Mapping of technology development risks/ uncertainties and approach to test or overcome them.
1.The problem or need being addressed. The importance of the problem/need and potential impact of a solution to this problem/need. The size of the opportunity.
2.A study of various solutions already available (if any) to address some parts of or the whole problem. The deficiencies and shortcomings of such solutions.
3.Your proposed conceptual solution and its value proposition. What will be the benefit vis-à-vis the alternatives? What will be the size of the benefit?
4.An assessment of novelty based on a study of the literature – scholarly literature, patent literature and existing products in the market.
5.Your plan and road map for developing the idea further. Identification of key unknowns/ uncertainties/ potential barriers. Key proof of concept (POC) experiments to be done. Mapping of technology development risks/ uncertainties and approach to test or overcome them.
Subject/ Topics:
•There is no restriction on the topic or problem/need chosen. However, applicants may want to ensure that they have sufficient awareness of the area to gather/provide necessary details. The proposed solutions could be in the form of a product or a process or even a service.
•The topic can be related to the PhD topic of one or more of the members of the team. In case the proposed idea is directly related to a student’s PhD thesis, then the student should seek the approval of his/her supervisor first.
•There is no restriction on the topic or problem/need chosen. However, applicants may want to ensure that they have sufficient awareness of the area to gather/provide necessary details. The proposed solutions could be in the form of a product or a process or even a service.
•The topic can be related to the PhD topic of one or more of the members of the team. In case the proposed idea is directly related to a student’s PhD thesis, then the student should seek the approval of his/her supervisor first.
Individuals or teams consisting of current (as of 1 Oct 2008)
•PhD students (with fellowships or beyond fellowships)
•Research associates
•Project staff, trainees and guest workers
There is no restriction on the number of team members.
Though not a requirement, each team can choose to have one or two technology mentors of their liking. The mentor(s) can be scientist or faculty member from NCL or any other institution. NCL Innovations and NCL-TEC will help teams identify & contact potential mentors, if the help is sought.
Method of selection
Selection of finalists
The selection of finalists shall be done by a panel of judges consisting of technology experts in different fields. The judgment will be based on the technology idea proposal document submitted by the various teams. Key parameters of evaluation shall be:
•Quality of the idea (merit of the technology idea, creativity in technology solution proposed, feasibility of the solution)
•Quality of the proposal (clarity of thought, sufficient homework in backing up claims, covering all essential parts of the proposal listed above)
•Quality of the idea (merit of the technology idea, creativity in technology solution proposed, feasibility of the solution)
•Quality of the proposal (clarity of thought, sufficient homework in backing up claims, covering all essential parts of the proposal listed above)
Selection of winners
The finalist shall be invited for a 15 minute presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A session to the panel of judges. The judges shall decide the winners based on the strength of the case presented for the technology idea and the thoroughness of the background work done by the team.
Other notes
The judges shall reserve the right to cancel specific awards if the entries are not sufficient or not adequately thought out.
Confidentiality and ownership
•All technology idea submissions shall be kept confidential. The judges will be signing a confidentiality agreement.
•All technology ideas proposed shall remain the property of the team proposing the technology idea (until and unless they utilize NCL facilities and resources to develop their ideas further or the idea was originated by an NCL employee).
•All technology ideas proposed shall remain the property of the team proposing the technology idea (until and unless they utilize NCL facilities and resources to develop their ideas further or the idea was originated by an NCL employee).
Panel of judges
The panel of judges shall consist of a selected group of NCL scientists/ technologists with expertise in areas reflecting the various subject areas of the entries received.
Arbitrations and grievances
Head, NCL Innovations shall serve as arbitrator in case of any disputes or disagreements or conflicts.
Arbitrations and grievances
Head, NCL Innovations shall serve as arbitrator in case of any disputes or disagreements or conflicts.
•1 September 2008 (Monday): Announcement of competition
•8 September 2008 (Monday): Kick-off meeting and introduction/ instructions for interested/ potential participants. (Meeting to inform the curious; Join-in to be informed, if not for the tea & snacks)
•19 September 2008 (Friday): Last date for submission of letter of intent to participate.
•27 September 2008 (Saturday): Mentoring session for those who have submitted letter of intent. This session will outline what is expected in the proposal while providing illustrations. The mentoring session will also outline how the judges shall be evaluating the entries.
• 20 October 2008 (Monday): Submission of technology idea proposals. Proposals can be submitted by anybody irrespective of having attended the mentoring session or not.
• 7 November 2008 (Friday): Announcement of finalists
• 24 November 2008 (Monday): Presentations in front of panel of judges
• 28 November 2008 (Friday): Announcement of results
•8 September 2008 (Monday): Kick-off meeting and introduction/ instructions for interested/ potential participants. (Meeting to inform the curious; Join-in to be informed, if not for the tea & snacks)
•19 September 2008 (Friday): Last date for submission of letter of intent to participate.
•27 September 2008 (Saturday): Mentoring session for those who have submitted letter of intent. This session will outline what is expected in the proposal while providing illustrations. The mentoring session will also outline how the judges shall be evaluating the entries.
• 20 October 2008 (Monday): Submission of technology idea proposals. Proposals can be submitted by anybody irrespective of having attended the mentoring session or not.
• 7 November 2008 (Friday): Announcement of finalists
• 24 November 2008 (Monday): Presentations in front of panel of judges
• 28 November 2008 (Friday): Announcement of results
Awards and honors:
• A maximum of 1 winning team and two runner-up teams shall be announced.
• Winner: Rs 30,000 to the team.
Mentor: Rs 10,000
• Two Runner-up: Rs. 10,000 each
Mentor: Rs 5000
A certificate signed by Director, NCL in his capacity as Chairman, NCL Research Foundation to all the members of the winning team.
o The mentor shall be recognized separately with a cash prize of Rs 10,000.
Irrespective of prizes awarded, if judged suitable for further development by the panel of judges and the Director, NCL, selected technology ideas shall get the opportunity to:• Winner: Rs 30,000 to the team.
Mentor: Rs 10,000
• Two Runner-up: Rs. 10,000 each
Mentor: Rs 5000
A certificate signed by Director, NCL in his capacity as Chairman, NCL Research Foundation to all the members of the winning team.
o The mentor shall be recognized separately with a cash prize of Rs 10,000.
- Receive a research grant (covering consumables, travel, external services, and contingency) from the Director to develop the idea further. The research grant will be focused on testing/ verifying ideas and de-risking the idea.
- Receive a grant from Venture Center to hire one dedicated project staff for 1 year for the developing the idea further. (depending on availability of funds)
- NCL’s support in filing any intellectual property that may arise from the work. A technology option (without fee) and first preference in licensing of the technology to a start-up enterprise founded by one or more members of the team.
- Incubation support through the Venture Center on a priority basis.
How to participate?
• Fill up the attached form “Letter of Intent” and submit to Mrs Chandanaa Roybardhan at IP group Office, Room 275, Director’s Wing, NCL. (Deadline: 19 Sep 2008)
• Complete technology idea proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to Mrs Chandanaa Roybardhan at IP group Office, Room 275, Director’s Wing, NCL. (Deadline: 20 Oct 2008)
• Complete technology idea proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to Mrs Chandanaa Roybardhan at IP group Office, Room 275, Director’s Wing, NCL. (Deadline: 20 Oct 2008)
Contact information for clarifications:
Sarvesh Kumar Soni (Research Scholar, NCL)
President, NCL Technology and Entrepreneurship Club
100, NCL Innovation Park
Dr Homi Bhabha Road
Pune-411008 India
Phone : +91-9423219107
Dr V Premnath
Head, NCL Innovations/ IP Group
Dr Homi Bhabha Road
Pune-411008 India
Phone : +91-20-2590-2757